Das Projekt “JuraWiki” wurde archiviert. Es ist weiterhin online, jedoch nicht mehr aktiv. Man kann also keine Seiten mehr bearbeiten und sich nicht mehr einloggen (außer man ist Mitglied der TrustedEditorGroup) oder sich neu registrieren. Alle Informationen, die Sie hier finden, sind also potenziell veraltet.

Listen to this very nice example (need Flash-Player):

Welcome to the JuraWiki. My name ist RalfZosel. I am a lawyer from germany, and I would like to show you how to use the Wiki technology. Especially for lawyers, wiki offers amazing possibilities to cooperate via internet.

As you can see, a WikiWikiWeb like the JuraWiki looks like a simple website. In the JuraWiki you can find law-related information, mostly in german, but more and more in other languages like Portuguese or english.

But a wiki is much more than a simply website. It offers the possibility to discuss with other users via internet in a new way and to cooperate very efficiently.

You are not constricted only to read the websites, but you can add or change on every page whatever you want or even add new pages. This is quite simple. Please follow me and in a few minutes you will create your first wiki-page, right here in the JuraWiki.

In every wiki exists a testing-area called WikiSandBox. Please click on the link WikiSandBox on this page (marked with the red arrow). The page called WikiSandBox should appear in your browser. Note that every page in a Wiki has a name as a title. In this case: WikiSandBox

Please scroll to the end of this page. There you can find the link "Edit Text of this page". That's exactly what we want to do. Please click on this Edit-Link. The text of the WikiSandBox opens in a text area where you can directly write in. Try it out and write something down. Remember: The WikiSandBox is a test-page, so feel free to write whatever you want. It don't has to be law-related stuff.

You can add text and even change existing text. That's something you can not do in any other discussion tool. And that's one of the features that makes wiki so powerfull.

Now please save your changes. Just click on the button "Save Changes" on the bottom of the site. Your changes are immediately online and can be seen instantly from everybody in the world.

There are several precautions to restore former revisions of every site. So if somebody makes unwanted changes, the next reader can restore the previos state. Every reader has the power to participate and to perfect the site.

Now I will show you how you can create your first wiki-page. Please re-open the WikiSandBox by clicking on the edit-link down on the site. Please write your name in it, in fact as a WikiName. That is to say forename and family name with leading capital but without space between. Such WikiNames automatically are converted to hyperlinks. Please save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes buttom below. After safing you can see that your WikiName appears as a red highlighted hyperlink. Just click on this red link and you will see the link "Create this page". Click there or on the HomepageVorlage (german for HomepageTemplate), write in your name and other personal information and save your WikiHomepage.

Now you have the basic knowledge to work with WikiWikiWeb. Check out the RecentChanges-page obtainable by the menu above. There you can see the changes in chronological order and what is going on in the JuraWiki.

For advanced features see the Help-System.

Thank you for doing this course. If you have any questions just ask them on a page in the JuraWiki.

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WikiSeminar/AudioFilePreparation (zuletzt geändert am 2008-01-20 19:56:32 durch anonym)