English language tour of JuraWiki
Launch Google tool to load the Google translation tool to start your tour.
- With the translation tool running, the best starting places are:
ThemenÜbersicht -- which translates into Topic Overview -- is a table of contents of the pages at JuraWiki
RecentChanges displays the pages of JuraWiki in the order that they were last edited.
TitleIndex is an alphabetical index of all of the pages of JuraWiki.
These four starting places may also be accessed from the button bar that runs across the top of every page.
messages about this page
I would like to suggest adding four additional segments to this JuraWikiTour page, similar to the "English language tour of JuraWiki" in the first segment of this page above. There would be one for each language: to translate JuraWiki pages from German to French, German to Spanish, German to Portuguese and German to Italian. Each of the four additional sections would be the same as the "English language tour of JuraWiki", but using one of the other four languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Each of the four other sections, each in a different language, would use the Google translation tools to make the appropriate translation from German. JohnDeBruyn (July 31, 2003)
Mitteilungen auf dieser Seite
Ich möchte vorschlagen, dieser JuraWikiTour Seite vier weitere Abschnitte hinzuzufügen, die dem "English language tour of JuraWiki" im ersten Abschnitt oben entsprechen. Es sollte sich um Übersetzungen der JuraWiki Seiten von Deutsch in Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Italienisch mittels des Google Übersetzungstools handeln. (Übersetzung von RainerLangenhan 31.07.2003)