Das Projekt “JuraWiki” wurde archiviert. Es ist weiterhin online, jedoch nicht mehr aktiv. Man kann also keine Seiten mehr bearbeiten und sich nicht mehr einloggen (außer man ist Mitglied der TrustedEditorGroup) oder sich neu registrieren. Alle Informationen, die Sie hier finden, sind also potenziell veraltet.

Categories are an important feature on wikis. Creating a category is easy: you just have to write a category name onto the page and you are done. MoinMoin even simplifies this by letting you choose from a list of available categories while you are editing the page.

On the page of the category, you can give a brief description of the category's contents. If you want to get a list of all pages in that particular category, either click the title of the category or insert a suitable macro which lists the pages:

Normally, categories have to be named like CategorySomething. If you want to allow other patterns like CatégorieGaffeur (that is French by the way), then the administrator needs to change the configuration option page_category_regex according to the users' language, see HelpOnConfiguration.

The best choice is to create category pages from a CategoryTemplate (see HelpOnTemplates).